I'm really quite awful at continually writing posts. I think I mostly just end up thinking that I spend too much time on it, or I just don't anything worth letting anyone else read. Which is mostly all true. Blogs are a little bit of a vain thing in some cases maybe even most cases. However, I do sometimes enjoy the idea of writing down my thoughts and feelings and having someone read it and relate to me, maybe it's just one of those weird things about this generation.
A few days ago I watched "Social Network" with two of my best friends/roommates from Walkabout last year. I really miss them. But Social Network was really interesting, I enjoyed it. After the movie we just sat in my living room talking about how interesting and strange our generation is. How a few years ago Facebook was just being invented and now you can say that all over the world and most everyone will know just what you're talking about or have one. Even our parents. It's not just a Noun now it has been turned into a verb, we have our own Facebook language. That's so interesting...There are all of these new things, and yet there's still nothing new under the sun. I don't know I think people and cultures and such are interesting.
I just transferred to University of Mary Hardin Baylor. It's good I think. Today was the start of my third week here. I ate lunch alone. Which is fine, that's actually the first meal I've eaten alone so far, and I feel like that's some what impressive. I have waves of liking being on my own and waves of being lonely here. I'm looking for a job. I think once I find a job I'll just become more busy and then I won't sit in my little kitchenette checking Facebook and Gmail, avoiding school work and then spending all day listening to Pandora and reading New Testament. However, so far that has been good for grades...so, maybe I should keep this up.
I'm living in on campus apartments, sort of. They're called "Flats" there is one big common room which has a small kitchenette(microwave, frig and freezer, and sink) and three rooms attached to it. There are six of us that share this space. It's not bad at all. I don't really even see anyone honestly. At least not during the day for any extended period of time. They're all sweet though, I like them. Chelsea is my roommate, she's really sweet. We get lunch most every day together and she's been cool to hang out with. We are starting a verse wall in our room. I'm painting pictures (just swarled paint basically) and she's writing a verse over. So far we have three completely finished and we just need to get more paper now.
I've been missing Walkabout a lot lately. Just camp and serving...yes even cleaning. My roommates here have actually called me a clean freak a couple of times, which is really funny to anyone who's ever lived with me.
Last week I went to dinner with my friend Jamie who I was friends with in high school. She is in school at UMHB as well, and actually happens to live in one of my neighboring flats. So, we went to dinner at the Cafeteria with her roommates. Her roommate, Molly, started asking me about how I'm liking it here, and I wasn't quite sure what to say. I told her that at this point I sort of just feel like it's just another experience to add to the past couple of years because a lot has happened and I've been through a lot of adjustment periods. She asked me what I've done in the past couple of years. I told her about moving to camp at the flip of a hat, and then deciding to stay for Walkabout and then deciding to stay for the summer and then not really having a big community in Dallas and just starting that community up and leaving to come here. Just a lot of transitions.
Recently I've been feeling like I should start supporting a compassion kid or kids alive kid again. And Wednesday a speaker came from Compassion international spoke in Chapel. 1) he did a really good job and he painted a really cool painting of Jesus and he was awesome. and 2) I've been wanted to support one...so, I did. And I've been feeling like I need to do it/want to do it because I want to stretch myself to trust God more with my money. To be more efficient with it, and trust that God will provide. However, I told my mom and she was not very happy. And I understand why...'cause I don't have a job and I can't seem to find one (this town is WAY too small to employ college students and all the surrounding jobs seem to be taken by last semester's students or don't fit my schedule). So, now I'm in the weird position of do I decide to continue to support her and trust God with it sort of defying what my mom wants. Or do I follow my parents guidance. I hate the awkward position of not knowing when to be a real grown up and make my own decisions and when my parents should still have full and complete authority over me.
Anyways, I have a lot more thoughts running through my mind but I feel like my ability to compose them into readable form is slipping. And this is long...
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